YKTH 5783 - Tveriah Trip!

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On the second to last Friday of the summer, the Talmidim loaded onto the buses for an action-packed trip to Tveriah. Beginning with an incredible hike on Mount Arbel, they got to gaze into the breathtaking lookout atop the mountain, with the Galil visible, including Tzfas, Tveriah, and the Kineret, the slopes of the Golan Heights truly made it "picture-perfect".
After such a thrilling and jaw dropping hike in the famous Tveriah heat, the Bochurim were treated to an awesome swim in the Kinneret.
But before we could call it the end of this incredible trip and prepare for the last Shabbos in Tzfas, we stopped at the Kever of the Rambam in Tveriah. We had a chance to Daven and learn a Perek Rambam, an incredible opportunity to fulfill the directive of the Rebbe.